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Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Image Source: blog.animaker
If you are an avid reader but at the same time you feel that somewhere in you, there is a hidden writer, then you have come to the right place.
We are giving you a place to publish your work and instant cash money 💰, all you need to do is start writing a review of your favourite book in your own words and in your own style.

Click on the Facebook post below, and know everything about the BIG BOOK REVIEW CONTEST.


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Why only a 'book review' ?
    The uniqueness of someone's writing may get washed away. (I hope not though)

    I have an idea..

    You all (your team) may go for a "What if this story had that story?"

    Effects: Freedom of creativity might just get its worth.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      We have taken your suggestion into consideration and we are working on it. May be soon everyone will get an opportunity to write. We really appreciate your idea.


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