Is it time for a Digital Detox ? - Blogmantra

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Saturday, 4 March 2017

Is it time for a Digital Detox ?

Do you remember the last time when you shut all your gadgets off for 24 hours?
And if your answer is "never" or "i don't remember", then probably you need to go through a digital detoxification.
This article can be a wakeup call for many, just read till the very end.

Image Source: Opera
A digital detox is nothing but simply a day off from the wired and connected world, away from the notifications of the apps, away from those 500 online friends who actually don't know you but keep on pinging you, away from those late night emails of your boss and away from your favourite web series and online videos.
It is giving yourself rest from the shackles of the gadgets that you bought for yourself.

Let's talk about the stats. In 2015 Vserv conducted a survey and released a report titled 'Smartphone User Persona Report(SUPR)'. 
As per the study, an average Indian spends 169 minutes per day on their device which is higher as compared to US where the average is just 132 minutes.
There are basically six smartphone user personas- App Junkies, Social Stars, Conversationalists, Entertainment Buffs,Utilitarians and Dabblers.

25% of the smartphone users are App Junkies, they consume most of the mobile data on apps and games every month.
20% of the smartphone users are Social Stars, they spend over two hours chatting and social networking everyday.
While 16% are Conversationalists who use their smartphones mostly for making calls and minimal app usage.
Entertainment Buffs use their smartphones for playing games, watching videos almost one hour a day and account for about 15% of the userbase.
Utilitarians mainly focus on utility driven apps, along with messaging and voice calling apps and account for 15%.
Dabblers are the infrequent smartphone users and makeup 10% of the total smartphone user population.

According to a study conducted by telecom equipment maker Ericsson, an Indian smartphone user checks his mobile phone 77 times a day on an average.While 26 percent of the respondents claim this figure to be 100 in a single day.
Yes, my dear, not your smile but technology is contagious.

How to know whether you need a Digital Detox?
  1. You feel anxious and irritated when you don't have your gadget.
  2. You feel upset when nobody responds to your latest online post.
  3. You experience chronic pain or have developed spinal and posture problems due to gadget overuse.
  4. You have a fear of face-to-face conversation with people.
  5. You start to behave more like your online persona (avatar of some game). 
  6. You have a desire to check your mobile phone in every 2 minutes.
  7. You have a habit of taking your phones everywhere with you, even to the toilet.
If you fall into any one of these categories, then my friend you need help. You are addicted to your gadget and it is a threat to yourself and the people around you.

Fortunately there are people on this planet ready to help you. You will be surprised to know that there are Digital Detox Camps around the world, where you can enroll yourself and ditch those intoxicated gadgets, indulge in other activities like sports, outdoor games, community clubs and learn to spend time without your evil gadgets.

One such Digital Detox camp is "Camp Grounded", a summer camp three hours from San Francisco,California, USA. In June,2013 they started an event and it caught attention more than expected. Not only common people but CEO's and venture capitalists also jumped in to have gadget free weekends.

Image Source: campgrounded

The rules of the camp are simple, no work talk, no age discussion, no first names and most importantly no gadgets. As soon as you enter the camp, you will have to deposit all your gadgets, and you will be given a nickname. Hence every attendee in the camp is really "just another camper."
It is certain that you will find a camp activity as per your taste, because they provide 56+ activities which include swimming, photography, lego building, archery, rock climbing, creative writing with typewriters, yoga, comic book drawing etc.
But for all this fun, they charge you US $570, which covers camp and meal.

Sadly most of us cannot afford it, not even me. So for all you people, you can still manage to have a solo trip to Himachal, or may be it is time to take that Goa trip with your friends that you have been planning or take your parents to some Teerath, but before that don't forget to deposit all your gadgets to your mother. Believe me, she will be more than happy to help.
The point is, go anywhere with anyone, just away from the tentacles of technology.  

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Well me? I am a Conversationalist, what's your smartphone persona(do comment) ?
I watched this video some years ago and loved it, hope you will like it too.

Also, know about our Big Book Review Contest sponsored by Hook Book.

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