What does a girl really want in a relationship? - Blogmantra


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Friday, 17 February 2017

What does a girl really want in a relationship?

The books that we read, portray love like a fairytale. But in reality, it is no less than an Enigma.
Very few find the absolute meaning of love, others end up cursing it. It can be a nightmare for many, when tangled and twisted.
This article is for all those boys who think that girls are way too demanding and high maintenance, and above all, confusing.
We agree that girls can be really difficult sometimes, so here we have complied certain tips following which might bring you closer to your bae.

    1. Surprises are always welcomed

      Image source: playbuzz

      Surprising your girl isn't that big a deal. Surprises don't need to be expensive just well-thought is enough. Like if she is the one texting you morning messages everyday, then switching the roles might make her really happy. A love note from you even with a bad hand writing to describe everything that you feel for her might be a big surprise. And let me tell you, she will keep that note close and safe for eternity even when you are not around. Hand made cards with a little doodling might work wonders for her. Even showing up at her place with flowers is a very good idea. At the end it is the effort that counts, and she knows that.
    2. Love isn't everything that she needs

      Image source: wehearit

      The next big thing in a relationship is 'respect'. Yes, respect is too cliche but it really matters to her whether you respect her and her decisions. Relationship is a team sport, you have to go on 50-50 for everything. Never try to dominate her, she is not a political debate. Respect is always give and take, so if you give her respect, she will multiply it with thousand and return it back at you.
    3. Learn to play with words

      Image source: pinterest

      Words are really powerful, you can flaunt her with words and make her day. 
      It is a big thing for couples who are in a long distance relationship when meetings are not so often. The only things you can hold on to in such a situation are phone calls and skype. To keep the spark alive, try to make your calls magical. Make her feel special with your words even when you are miles apart.
    4. Your pace depends on space

      Image source: bossrevolution

      Space is as big an issue in relationship nowadays as the literal meaning of the word 'space'. Things ruin when you start forcing yourself upon her or vice-versa. Relationship is just like a rubber band, if you pull your end, it might hurt the other. So it is better to keep it loose and free. You consider yourself her protector but again she is a grown-up, she likes you to care for her but too much involvement in everything she does is not fair.

    5. Compliments mean a lot

      Image source: Pinterest

      Girls are like living memory devices. They are not only good in memorising the important dates related to your relationship, but every good or bad thing that you have ever said to her, has been recorded in her mind and it will stay there till the very last.
      So never ever say bad words to your girl, because it can affect her in ways that you can never imagine. Rather give her compliments, because that lip gloss on her lips to the top that she wore, everything is for you. A girl believes in grooming for her bae, and if you notice it then compliment her straight away and watch her smiling for the entire day.

Also read another article "Feel free to get rejected."

 Hope this article will help you. Follow the tips and see the changes yourself. Till then keep reading other articles.


  1. This piece will be of more importance 10-15 years from now. "Accha likha hai.." :-)

  2. Thanks Arun, i am glad that you liked the article and i hope that it helps you in the future.


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